Monday, March 3, 2008

Banning Abortion Will Not Lower Rates

The Guttmacher Institute has lots of statistics on abortion (and other subjects). Here's a link to a page about the incidence of abortion worldwide.

Facts on Induced Abortion Worldwide

Near the top, the article states that abortion declined most in countries where it is legal.

Go to the third head, "Abortion Law," for the information below.

According to the article, abortion rates are about the same in Africa (29 per 1,000 women per year) and Europe (28 per 1,000 women per year).

But in Africa, abortion is generally illegal (and unsafe). In Europe, it's generally legal (and safe). Please note that the rate in Europe is somewhat skewed by the incidence of abortion in Eastern Europe, which has declined but is still high (because under the communists, abortion was contraception).


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